有人说 爱是把剃刀有人说 爱是一种饥渴
我认为 爱是一朵花
Ella -> 韩百合 "有一隻小小的花精.站在一朵盛開的薔薇上.它背上的包包裂開.伸出了一對美麗的翅膀.就在它凌空飛起的時候.我看見了.藍色的天空.它的翅膀.閃爍著七彩斑斕的光芒"
The lead actress in this drama. Ugly duckling, was said to be one of 韩俐's daughter, but in fact she is not. Moved to stay with 韩's family after her grandmother die. Both 堇 and 葵 fell in love with her cuteness, kindness and gentleness. In fact, she fell in love with 堇 even before they met as she fell in love with him at first sight after watching a very short and artistic movie acted by 堇 a few years ago. In the end, she married 堇. Even if she wanted to marry 葵, it’s impossible as she shares the same father as 葵.
黄志伟 -> 韩堇
"氣勢!我是超級美男子!拿出自信來!一直保持這種信心,就會有精神!如果有人故意要打擊妳的信心,就對他們說──混蛋!我哪裡不好了! "
韩俐's eldest son. Moved into 韩's family only when he about 7. His father is an American and therefore though his hair is black, but his eyes were blue. He had a younger sister too, but not with 韩俐. He became a writer at the behind part of the drama. Very handsome, cool, seldom talk and was very unfriendly to strangers. But after he was drunk, he become very gentle, very caring. And after he woke up, he was back to normal and couldn’t remember a single thing. He likes to be drunk so that he can forget about a relationship he used to have with 芹. After 芹 passed away, he couldn’t eat nor sleep. What he ate was only the roses in the garden. In the end, it was 百合 who made him forget about 芹. Finally both of them were married.
郑元畅 -> 韩葵
The youngest son of 韩俐. Very handsome, weird and bad temper, same as the other members in 韩's family, he was not friendly too. He can really eat a lot, more than you can imagine. The first person who treat him well is 堇. That’s why he likes to sticking around with 堇 and start to idolize jin. As during the period when he just moved into 韩's family, he was still in his teens, that’s why he start to like 堇, or should I say, fell in love? He knew that it’s impossible for him to get together with 堇, that’s why after 芹 passed away, he purposely grew long hair as he didn’t want 堇 to forget about 芹 so that 堇 will not be with the other girls. When 百合 moved in, he kept disturbing 百合 and treated her badly. Things got worse when he knew that 百合 likes 堇. After a period of time, he fell in love with 百合 too. I really pity 葵 as 堇 and baihe were the 2 person that he cannot love, but he still fell in love with them. In the end, 葵 gets none of them and remain alone.
"我就知道!又是我媽的影迷!你們這些傢伙沒一個正常的!上次還有一個當著我的面脫個精光,害我三天三夜不出大號!我今天不給你點苦頭吃我就不姓韓" (Really love this... haha... really funny)
陆明君 -> 韩芙蓉"一定會有一個這樣的人.一定要相信...我只是還沒遇見他...我所認識的都是一些一無是處的男人,但是在某個天空下,一定會有個不一樣的他,這是我永不放棄的夢... "
韩俐's eldest daughter. Very beautiful, cool and unfriendly. Was brought up by 阿婆 since she was young, that’s why she treat 阿婆 better than her mother. But actually, she loves her mother a lot and wanted her mother to give her attention. She was a divorcee, the reason for her to divorce with her husband is that her husband had Oedipus complex (which means he had an exclusive love of his mother) and she found that it’s really difficult to stay together with him and his mother. She loves to see the complicate relationships between her siblings as she find that the house is lifeless before 百合 came in. She didn’t like 猫吉 at first. But after see what 猫吉 had done for her, she finally fell in love with him.
叶童 -> 韩俐"當我生下你們的時候,你們總是哭著來到這個世界, 身子抖個不停,好像很痛苦似的, 身為母親的我,也會以為為你們帶來痛苦而感到不捨.. 但,這個世界還是有很多美好的事值得回憶, 一段刻骨銘心的愛情,一齣好的電影, 一輪明月,夕陽,都是很美的回憶,不是嗎?不是嗎? 來到這個世界,還是好的吧! 但那個從來不曾哭泣的孩子, 就這麼無聲無息的消失了.... "
Mother of 百合, 堇, 葵, 芙蓉. She is a very famous, rich and beautiful actress. She had many husbands before and many boyfriends too. That's why 百合, 堇, 葵, 芙蓉 had different father but having the same mother. The guy that she truely loved is 百合's father, 郑野. However, 韩俐's father object to this marriage as he finds that poets are poor and at the same time 郑野 had a terminal illness. Before 郑野 passed away, he married 韩俐's best friend and gave birth to 百合. Therefore 百合 is not 韩俐's real daughter, but 韩俐 purposely put the 百合 as her daughter in birth certificate because since 郑野 had passed away, 百合 was the only thing that is related to 郑野 that she wanted to keep. Later after DNA test, all of them found out that 葵 was the son of her's and 郑野. This made 葵 very sad as he didn't get the love from his mother since he is the son of the man that she loved most, and since he is the younger brother of 百合 that's why he can't love 百合.
All 韩俐's son and daughter are named according to flowers:
百合 -- Lily
堇 -- Violet
葵 -- Sunflower
芙蓉 -- Cottonrose hibiscus
比莉 -> 阿婆
"薔薇是有刺 它的刺是看得見.它會札傷人.但它只是誠實的表達自己"
The housekeeper in the family. She had been the housekeeper in 韩's family for almost the whole of her life. She was taken in to 韩's family by 韩俐's father when she was young. That's why given 韩俐 have to listen to her sometimes. After 百合 came into 韩's family, she really helped 阿婆 a lot on housechores.
Selina -> 莊哲芹"菫...我等不到雪了.我好想說等我死了以後.你不可以愛上別人.但我不能這麼自私這條項鍊我沒有機會戴了.以後你有喜歡的人.送給他.就讓他連同我的份一起愛你.讓你再愛他的時候也不要忘了我."
Extremely nice, kind-hearted and beautiful girl. She is 堇's fiancée. They were said to be the most perfect couple on earth. And they really loved each other so much that their friends really envy them a lot. They suited each other so well that none of them can be replaced. Unforunately, 芹 had a terminal disease. Before she died, she allowed 堇 to find another girl that he loved and gave her the 12 roses necklaces that 堇 once gave to her. And after she died, 堇 carried her to a forest without informing anyone. 堇 really can't accept the fact that she had passed away. He sat beneath a tree in the forest which they had came and spent a great time before. When 葵 and 芙蓉 had found them, 堇 and 芹 were covered with a little snow.
Hebe -> 晓枫"如果真的喜歡一個人.一定會希望對方眼裡只有自己.而且想要獨佔對方!什麼只要單戀就好.那根本不是真的愛情!"
An innocent, cute and nice girl. She was 葵's playmate when they were young. 晓枫 had once asked 葵 if he would marry her during they grew up, and 葵 agreed to it. 晓枫 was really happy and all these years, she had spent a lot of money learning different kinds of cooking techniques and learnt how to cook different cultural foods and dishes. After that, she went to find 葵 again. However, 葵 didn't admit that he had made this promise before, he claimed that it was a mistake as he didn't know that 晓枫 is a girl (晓枫's hair was really short and had a deep voice when she was young.) and he knew that guys can't get married, therefore he made this untruthful promise. She got really angry with 百合 with she found out that 葵 likes her. But in the end, she found out that there is no way that she can fight over 百合, so she gave up and left.
红胶囊 -> 猫吉"愛情本來就是一種犯賤..."
A very weird artist. He drew all kind of comics and he can even draw when he is asleep. Everyday, he had to rush very many scripts and would faint sometimes. He can draw continuously for days non-stop. He hired 百合 as his housekeeper to cook and tidy up his work place for him and his working members. He fell in love with 芙蓉 at first sight and he think of lots of way to win 芙蓉's heart, and finally he made it.
Labels: Drama